are you Settling ? somatic inquiry practice

What does genuine acceptance truly feel like? How can we discern when we're compromising for less? We often hear advice about gratitude for what we possess and focusing on the positive aspects of life. But what is the price of such a mindset? Does it entail justifying our feelings of being overlooked in a relationship because our loved ones are in the process of "healing"? Does it mean enduring a job that numbs our vitality due to economic challenges? Does it involve staying in an unsatisfying relationship out of fear of solitude?

The act of embracing what currently exists aligns seamlessly with responding to the demands of the present moment. Initially, you must accept the form this moment assumes. It requires momentary awareness and presence.

Is it a matter of settling or surrendering? Explore this through movement.

Try this somatic experiment. Recollect a moment where you were so present that you fully surrendered. You allowed a spectrum of emotions, whether it be frustration, regret, grief, or disappointment, to simply coexist. What does surrender feel like? What transpires as you physically yield to it? How does it feel to be cradled by the ground, the softness of fabric, and the pull of gravity? Within your bones, where can you find the capacity to surrender, whether in your flesh, tissues, or breath? As you surrender, can you let all that you experience become a part of what anchors and supports you?

Now, shift the tone.

Think of another scenario where you settled because you believed you should or had no other choice. How does it feel when there's no real "choice" but a sense that you "ought to" succumb? Observe how your movements change from this standpoint. How does your body embody the present moment when you're operating from this perspective?

My hope is that this introspective exercise fortifies your inner resolve to dream, yearn, and recognize that you deserve the fullness of your vibrant essence.

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