Embodied movement practices to Manage Stress

We are entering prime holiday capitalism designed for us to drink more, consume more, overspend on online shopping or numb out to the long dark and cold winter months ahead.

Stressors show up in many different ways. Our stress might feel more apparent in our narratives. We might have stories about why we feel exhausted, overwhelmed, agitated, worried, on edge, etc. Some of us might experience this behaviorally. We might only notice our stress in interactions with others.  Regardless, the body is also telling a story about stress. We might suddenly feel nauseous, have unexplained pains and aches, or walk around with a clenched jaw. This is an opportunity to track your body's stress response. What are your prime indicators of when you are experiencing stress? 

Free Embodied Movement Practice 

As much as stress is found in our bodies, so are internal resources of nourishment. Simply put, we also carry resilience in our beautiful beings. Our bodies also inhabit the somatics of ease, gentleness, softness, and strength, freedom…and more. We carry places of aliveness. Even if you struggle to locate that at first, you can look for spaces of neutrality or where you feel less pain. Get creative on tapping into your embodied resources. Consider how the surface of your skin, the roots of your hair, internal organs, musculature and bones support the very aliveness that is you….

Check out this free recording an embodied movement practice to work with stressors that show up .

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